Last week I had the great honor and wonderful opportunity to be part of the 150 Think Tank at the Copenhagen Tech Festival. This festival which is organized as a human response to tech, created a Think Tank consisting of 150 people of 35 countries. We were asked to think about our perspective on the tech world of today. We all are worried about the human perspective. That it has become all about the money, too much about convenience and the interest of a small group and maybe not even of the user…

We were asked to create our own tech principle. We thought about our view on what should change or be shaped in a better way in the near future.
We worked together in small groups to give each other feed back. Then it was a matter of sharpening and refining. We worked for 48 hours to create a clear way of looking at the solution to our question: A principle for the tech world to work with. To keep in it’s mind while creating new technologies, new apps, new platforms.
My principle is:
“Don’t abolish vulnerability with technology, you need it to explore and grow”
Being vulnerable is a strength not a weakness. It is an ability. It takes courage. This ability makes it possible to be open and aware.

Have a look at all the priciples and please sign one of them, we need your support: #thecopenhagencatalog #techprinciples

If you like to read on, here is an interesting article about the Copenhagen Tech festival in the New York based newspaper Quartz.

My tech principle for the Copenhagen Catalogue